Thanks to all of our wonderful family and friends, the Boltano Wedding Weekend was perfect. Yes, Jeremy and I got married. Of course, we forgot to pack our marriage license, so The Esteemed is yet again, helping us pull off a minor miracle to ensure all legalities are squared away in due course. (TE, you continue to be amazing, our sunshine on the foggiest of SF days. Thank you!)
We are brainstorming our Top Ten List, compiling videos and pictures to share. And in another 14 hours, we will be sipping on ro-say in Lyon, France. Stop by this blog to keep track of our whereabouts while we're traveling. We have quite the itinerary planned, and we are not concerned at all with the results of Le Tour de France Stage 3. Lots of cycling and wine stories to come...
À votre santé!
Nicole and Jeremy -- Finally, I am able to comment once again. I hope your month in France only pales to what you will experience the rest of your lives together. Love Dad F