Friday, August 6, 2010

Kumpai to Japan!

I have spent the past four and a half years at my company working with Japanese clients from a variety of companies. My largest account is a Japanese company, and although they normally require me to travel to Chicago and London, finally, I was asked to visit them at their headquarters in Osaka.

I had little to no time to prepare for my trip. Thank GOODNESS I remembered to pack my business cards, as exchanging business cards is a very special part of doing business with the Japanese. I. America, we pass out business cards like we're dealing playing cards. In Japan, business cards are presented with two hands holding the corners of the card, actually reading the card, and bowing. Then as was the case for quite a few of the people I me on the trip, flipping the card over to write their name in English!

So the business card exchange went well, as did the rest of the three days of meetings. Enough about work, let's talk travel!

To get the most important topics out of the way, there are a lot of bikes in Japan. People ride them in dresses, high heels, and while carrying umbrellas. They ride the on sidewalks, as well as in the street, and even against traffic. By the way, the Japanese drive on the left side of the road. I did not see that coming!

And wine? Well, I don't think Japan produces any wine, unless sake counts... And it doesn't. A glass of wine here runs about $15. At least that is what it cost at my very nice hotel mini bar. Come to think of it, that is about how much it was in the restaurant, too. In a 7-11 Store (they are everywhere!) they were selling Yosemite Road wine from California. It was much cheaper, but I didn't buy any, so I'll have to try it back in SF.

So although I didn't drink much wine on this trip, I still did a good job drinking. I also enjoyed a few amazing meals with my colleague Kumpei-san, who lives and is from Tokyo but amazingly enough spent ten years living in Philadelphia! Sushi, sashimi, noodles, tempanyaki. I have tasted many new vegetables and fish and *most* I would ear again. I will pass on the tacoyaki next time. (Deep fried octopus balls with sauce and fish skin chips on top.)

Most fortunately, I was even able to sneak in a bit of sightseeing yesterday and today. Late yesterday afternoon I navigated my way on a train to Kyoto, where I rented a bike and pedaled my way from temple to temple, my favorite being the Goji Temple. And this morning I visited Osaka Castle, which I probably would have enjoyed more if it were not 100 degrees. Lots of pictures to come...

I'm now again on the bus back to the airport. And although I cannot wait to see Jeremy and be home in San Francisco, I am excited to return to this beautiful country sometime soon. Hopefully with Jeremy by my side. Until then, I will raise a glass of sake and cheer, kumpai!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Osaka, Japan

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Or did you get lost in Amsterdam?

We didn't get lost, but we did wander somewhat aimlessly for the final two days of our honeymoon in the lovely little town of Amsterdam. What a great place - we loved it here! And it's not because we did a lot of drugs. In fact, we didn't do any, despite them all being totally legal! I guess that means we really are an old MARRIED couple...

Hopefully we'll get around to filling you in on the details, but for now, here is another set of pictures!

2010-07-29 - Amsterdam

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Next Stop, Osaka

I write this blog with both a heavy heart, as well as a heart palpitating with excitement. I'm in Japan! (Happy!) But I am traveling without Jeremy. (So sad!)

Around week three of The Honeymoon, I learned the presence of one of my Project Managers was needed in Osaka for an upcoming system launch; however, this Project Manager is now on *HIS* honeymoon. So, since he busted his arse while I was out for a few weeks (a month) getting married and celebrating in France, Switzerland, Italy, and the Netherlands, I took one for the team.

Home for only 13 hours in which we mostly spent sleeping, we had just enough time to walk around the park this morning (since we were both wide awake at 5:30 AM...) and then pack and then drive back to the airport. I cried as Jeremy dropped me off at the curb, wishing I didn't have to go. But Jeremy said it will go by quickly.

Considering it is now late Monday afternoon, he is right so far! I just landed, after a rather pleasant 11 hour flight. Since it is still afternoon, I don't yet feel too jet-lagged. We'll have to see how long that lasts! I made it through Passport Control and Customs, and I navigated to the bus I'm now riding into town.

I studied some Japanese on the flight, and I've mastered hello, thank you, and good-bye. Lots more to learn, including cheers. So for now, I will sign off with sianora!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Osaka, Japan